To join the Club and begin to experience the wonderful world of Lyceum:

* If you know a Club member contact them and they will introduce you to the Club by taking you as their guest to some of the Club activities and then nominate you for membership if you decide to join

* If you do not know a Club member contact the Club’s Membership Officer at  She will invite you to attend some of the Club activities to introduce you to the Club and nominate you for membership if you decide to join.

Qualifications for Membership

Membership of the Association shall be open to women of all nations who are worthy thereof by reason of their intellectual and moral characteristics;

or have published original work in literature, science, art or music;

or have university, conservatorium or other tertiary qualifications of a standard approved by the Management Committee;

or are members of a recognised profession;

or have given important public service.


An entrance fee is payable by new members. This fee includes the provision of a key to the Club Rooms.

Annual subscriptions are due at the beginning of the Club’s financial year which is July 1. Pro-rata subscription fees apply to members who join after July.

There are Lyceum Clubs  in many countries. Click here to see where they are.